Korolenko Valentina


The administrator of our clinic at Pushkinskaya str., 39. Always help you with advice and pleasant communication.

“Never stop smiling, even when you are sad: someone can fall in love with your smile!”
García Márquez Gabriel

And our doctors will help preserve the health and beauty of your smile.

Stolyar Svetlana


The administrator of our clinic at Kostyolnaya str., 10, office 4. Always help you with advice and pleasant communication.

“Smile, because life is a beautiful thing and there are many reasons for smiling”
Marilyn Monroe

And our doctors will help preserve the health and beauty of your smile.

Demochkina Marina

Dental assistant. Hygienist

1999 – graduated from the Kiev Medical School No. 2

2002 – works as a dental assistant

More than 10 years of professional activity in sphere of oral hygiene.

Courses of hygienists:

  • 2004 – Institute of Advanced Dental Technologies
  • 2019 – Dentsplay (Cavitron), Kiev
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