
Veneers: Life time

Veneers made of composite materials have the same strength as seals. But with good care of the oral cavity, can have a life of more than 7 years. Over time, their appearance is greatly deteriorating.

Veneers: Rehabilitation and rehabilitation

Once the veneer is installed, you can lead a normal lifestyle. Follow the doctor’s recommendations for the correct use of the structure.

Care of veneers

1. Dental veneer structures do not require special care.
2. Careful daily hygienic care for the oral cavity should be followed, with the help of a toothbrush, toothpaste and paste. This will allow the veneer to retain a shiny surface.
3. It is necessary to avoid the use of such products, which tend to leave stains on the teeth (red wine, pomegranate or cherry juice, coffee, tea, etc.)…

Pros and cons of veneers on teeth

Advantages of ceramic veneers before composite:

1. High aesthetics of ceramic veneers.
2. Veneers, made of ceramics, retain color consistency, do not fade and do not darken with time.
3. Reliability. High wear resistance.
4. Biocompatibility.
5. Veneers made of ceramics are durable. Their shelf life is unlimited.

Disadvantages of ceramic structures:



Veneers are thin glass-ceramic plates with the thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm, which are attached to the front side of the teeth with the help of a special cement. This is a kind of microprosthesis that allows you to adjust the shape, position and color of the teeth, eliminating aesthetic defects and protecting the teeth from destruction.

Classification of veneers, by type used for the manufacture of plates of material, can be the following:

Ceramic veneers. For their manufacture, medical porcelain and zirconia are used. They are considered the best, because They have high strength, do not change color with time, and are externally indistinguishable from real teeth. The thickness of porcelain veneers is only 0.3 – 0.5 mm.