Wearing orthodontic appliances does not mean living on mashed potatoes and soft foods throughout treatment. Knowing what foods can and cannot be eaten will help you achieve the best results after completing dental curves.
Are records suitable for adults?
In adult patients, this option is used more likely as an auxiliary one.
Attractive sides of the plate installation
1. A quick and easy way to solve orthodontic problems in childhood.
It’s put veneers in adults – the gap between the teeth has disappeared. In a child, by wearing the apparatus, the diastema is eliminated in a few months, but naturally and forever.
Distal bite
This type of bite differs in many ways. A distinctive feature is the over-developed upper jaw. It is not good.
Dental plates: recommendations, indications and contraindications?
These are removable and non-removable alignment structures for teeth. They are made of plastic and wire, and fixed on the teeth with the help of hooks and staples.