Attractive sides of the plate installation

1. A quick and easy way to solve orthodontic problems in childhood.

It’s put veneers in adults – the gap between the teeth has disappeared. In a child, by wearing the apparatus, the diastema is eliminated in a few months, but naturally and forever.

2. Comfortable use.

An orthodontic plate is a removable design that can be removed by an adult or a child. This facilitates the care of teeth and apparatus, especially in young children.

3. Are made in 1-2 weeks.

For comparison, the creation of braces takes up to 4 weeks.

Simple care: the arc with the base is removed and washed under running water – a procedure that even a child can handle.

4. The materials

The materials from which the constructions are made do not cause irritation, are non-toxic and harmless to the health of a small patient.

5. Reasonable cost.

For dental records, the price is on average 2 times lower than for the most budgetary braces.

At 13 years old, when all the teeth are already constant, the plate is practically ineffective. At this age, they most often resort to fixed equipment (Bracket systems).

But since all children have different situations, you need to see it live.

So we are pleased to invite you to a consultation 😊

Kasianenko Katerina
children’s doctor

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+38 (044) 235-11-45
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+38 (044) 278-82-48
+38 (050) 508-22-03

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