Wearing orthodontic appliances does not mean living on mashed potatoes and soft foods throughout treatment. Knowing what foods can and cannot be eaten will help you achieve the best results after completing dental curves.
Basic recommendations for the care of the oral cavity in children of the breast age
- Before teething, brush the baby’s gums by swiping a clean, damp cloth over the baby’s upper and lower gums.
- When the child has the first teeth, start brushing them two or three times a day with a soft bristled toothbrush and water.
What can expect a child in the chest?
Distal bite
This type of bite differs in many ways. A distinctive feature is the over-developed upper jaw. It is not good.
Child hygiene is the key to healthy teeth. A little advice from "St. Irina"
The most reliable tool against caries in children is a traditional toothbrush with a good toothpaste.
You need to start brushing your teeth from the moment milk teeth appear – having preserved their health, you will provide your child with the correct and timely germination of permanent teeth.
It is very important for a child to cultivate the skill of brushing his teeth every day so that he realizes as soon as possible and assumes responsibility for the health of his teeth.
Enemies of teeth
To all your efforts to prevent caries from the child did not go to waste, try to give him less sweets – they are the main destroyers of teeth. Dangerous to the teeth, streptococci reproduce on tooth enamel only in the presence of sugar, which, in fact, and eat.