How does orthodontic treatment occur

First trick. The attending physician examines the oral cavity, conducts an x-ray examination of the dentition.

Then casts are taken from the teeth and plaster models of the jaws are made on their basis.

Ready-made models are used for the manufacture of plates. The plastic part of the plate follows the relief of the sky, repeats the contour of the teeth and fits to the gingival surface.

Second trick. When the plate is ready (1-2 weeks from the moment of taking the casts), the doctor sets it and tightens it.

The following visits. Next, you need to come to the orthodontist every few months, during which the doctor tightens the structure to increase the pressure.

As a rule, it is necessary to wear a leveling plate for 1-2 years to achieve the desired result.

Depending on the type, the plates are removed during sleep, oral hygiene, eating and playing sports or put on at night.

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